About Us
The Ethiopian government has adopted an approach to respond to water and drought problems affecting the lives of millions of people. One of the actions is a water-centered development strategy to reduce water and water related food problems to speed up the overall socio-economic development of the country. It gives special attention to water resources studies and actions to increase access to water and the provision of safe drinking water. The Ethiopian government creates an enabling environment for public and private partners to respond to the increasing demands of water and sanitation. This led to the engagement of the Tulip Addis Water filter company (Tulip Addis) to introduce water treatment technology that fits in the strategy designed by the government.
The objective of Tulip Addis is to reach urban and rural communities and families who now do not have safe drinking water. Therefore Tulip Addis is introducing innovative low cost household water filters which improve water quality at the Point Of Use (POU) improving health in general and especially helps to achieve MDG4 (reducing child mortality.). Tulip Addis does this by involving other private sectors such as transport, marketing and sales and cooperates with NGOs and government water and sanitization programs.
The vision of Tulip Addis is to assist in reducing water borne diseases by the dissemination of low cost household water treatment options.
The mission of Tulip Addis is to create a market based and commercial viable supply chain for Tulip siphon filers and other low cost water filters. These filters should comply with water filter quality guidelines. Tulip Addis will work with service indicators such as the coverage, continuity, and cost, get feedback from communities and consult and get approval of relevant authorities.
The ultimate goal of Tulip Addis is to reach all corners of Ethiopia with sales outlets of these water filters and to start local assembly of filters to further reduce cost and create local employment.
Organizational Structure
The company structure has 3 levels which include the producing company located in India. The supplier at National level is located at Addis Ababa, Bole Sub-City and sub offices at different region; Tigray Regional State, Amhara Regional State (South Gonder zone), Dire Dawa, Harari Regional State. Somale Regional State (Jijiga) are underway to open sub offices soon. Opening sub offices at Oromia different Zone is under assessment. The company is organized with a General Manager, Deputy Manager, Office Manager, Accountant and Secretary at national level in the head office. In sub offices there are Market Promoters and Area Coordinators.